Deal or No Deal

If you've ever seen the show "Deal or No Deal" you've likely noticed how common it is for contestants to be lured into taking additional risks to see if they can get through just one more case and keep their dream of big money alive. Sometimes it works out for them and they win big. However, more times than not, the contestant tries to push the envelope too far and ends up squandering a sure thing in hopes of obtaining that alluring million dollar prize.

We've seen the same thing happen in the real estate industry lately as clients risk a sure thing - buying the home that is available at an already deep discount in the hopes of saving a few dollars more on that elusive steal of a deal. They get distracted and miss the great opportunity that is right in front of them. This desire to catch the market at its absolute lowest point and save that extra money can backfire and cost much more in the purchase of a home. The truth is that none of us knows "what case will be opened up next," and betting on the future can be a bit of a risky proposition considering the turbulent climate that surrounds us.

The reason I bring this up is out of concern that many are missing out on the current opportunity that is before us. The turmoil in the economy has created a situation where we can help you find a really attractive home at a hugely competitive price - the proverbial great deal. To find out exactly how to take advantage of the opportunity that still exists, give me a call at 443-310-8824.

Thanks for helping me better serve our real estate community.

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